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Tezos Developer Documentation

Get started developing on Tezos by learning about its features, going through application development tutorials, and exploring the tools that are available to Tezos developers.


Tezos overview

Read about how Tezos works, what distinguishes it from other blockchains, what developers use it for, and how it hosts decentralized applications that run independently of any authority.

Start learning



Work through tutorials that cover coding smart contracts and applications that use those smart contracts, from simple to complex, in multiple languages.

View tutorials


Development environments

Set up a development environment for your language of choice and its related tools. Use a local environment with a sandbox or a web-based IDE for development work.

Start developing


Developers are driven to Tezos for its

pioneering tools and platforms


Developer-friendly experience

Tezos supports multiple high-level languages, including variants of JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, and OCaml. The Tezos community provides local testing tools and ways to verify that your code does what you intend it to do.


Proof of stake

The proof-of-stake consensus model eliminates the need for high energy use, making it the "green" choice for blockchains. Instead of competing to achieve consensus as in proof-of-work models, Tezos nodes (called bakers) stake Tezos tokens to earn the right to create blocks and receive rewards. Users can also stake tokens to earn rewards without having to run a node or give up control of their tokens.

Support for many digital asset types

Tezos allows you to create a variety of digital assets, whether those assets are unique (as in non-fungible tokens, or NFTs), part of a limited group, or divisible like cryptocurrencies. You write the code that controls how your assets behave, such as what happens when a user transfers an asset to another user.


Stakeholder-led governance

Anyone who holds tez — the chain's native token — can propose changes to how Tezos works, such as changes to gas fees and block times, new features such as smart rollups, or even major changes like how the consensus mechanism works.


Upgradeable platform

Tezos has a built-in capability to upgrade itself, which allows the network to evolve without requiring a hard fork. This feature allows Tezos to adapt to new technologies and to address user needs rapidly.


Extreme scalability

Tezos has a system for dramatically expanding processing power and data bandwidth into layer 2. Its Smart Rollups are enshrined in the protocol and run large amounts of processing without slowing layer 1 down, while posting data to layer 1 that allows other to verify their behavior.
